Natural products that stimulate all the physiological processes of the cultures.
ALGIMAR can be applied to any type of crop.
FOLIAR APPLICATION: General dose: from 150 to 300 ml/Hl
– Olive tree: 2-3 treatments in spring and one in autumn with a dose of 200-300ml / Hl.
– Shrubs and fruit trees (in nurseries): 50-100 ml/Hl every 15-20 days.
– Citrus and fruit trees: carry out 4 treatments throughout the vegetative cycle at the following times: pre-flowering, fall of petals, enlargement, and 3-4 weeks before harvest: apply 150-300 ml/Hl.
– Grapevine: 3-4 treatments of 150 ml / Hl, the first during pre-flowering and the following at intervals of 3-4 weeks.
– Vegetable plants: 2-4 treatments, from one week after planting until the beginning of the fruit’s color change, applying 10 L / ha.
– Alfalfa: apply 200 ml / Hl after each cut.
– Strawberry: Apply at the beginning of the winter period, during pre-flowering, at setting and every 15-20 days until the beginning of the harvest.
FERTIGATION: General Rate of 6-12 Liters / Ha.
– Fruit trees and other crops: apply 4-10 liters/Ha for all irrigations until 20-50 Liters/Ha is reached.
ALGIMAR is a product made from seaweed extracts and contains a wide variety of microelements, amino acids (betaine), phytohormones (auxins, cytokinins), 7 alginic acids and oligosaccharins.
Applied to leaves, it stimulates vegetative growth, activates natural defenses (phytoalexins), and stimulates the development of the root system.
Applied to soil, it encourages the development of microfauna and improves physicochemical properties.
Its use is recommended on all the crops to stimulate growth, increase production, homogeneity, and fruit coloring.
It increases the fruits’ resistance to transport and conservation.
This product also increases juice and sugar content.
It is indicated for the recovery of the phytotoxic effects of pesticides, etc.
ALGIMAR is a totally natural, non-toxic product.